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mercoledì 5 ottobre 2016

"Chinglish" - Hilarious Translations


2016-10-05 Spoonhunt Spoonhunt Spoonhunt

source: Spoonhunt


Discover & explore food around you with menus translated into English all over Asia!




As Spoonhunt brings you translated menu items so you don’t have to guess at every Chinese menu you come across, we’re always looking for funny translations in China. Here are some of the funniest bad translations we found this week.

Have some funny Chinglish you want to share? Send us the picture on WeChat! We will pick the best ones each week to post!

User Submitted: CHRIS in GUILIN

Shmke Your Groove Thmng.

Correct translation

舞蹈室 Dance Studio

User Submitted: TOMÁS in SHENZHEN

Nothing can change the Fried Pork, not even the finest gold in all of Thailand. Fried pork is no gold digger.

Correct translation –

泰式金不换炒猪肉、鸡肉/牛肉 Thai Style Sweet Basil Stir-Fried Pork

User Submitted: MIREN in HAIKOU

The prohibited and all activities involving the prohibited are prohibited.

Correct translation –

禁止倚靠 Do not lean against

User Submitted: 余姚农场主 in NINGBO

Never play water. Water will always defeat you one-on-one. Water is the final boss.

Correct translation –

请勿嬉水 Please don’t play in the water

User Submitted: MR SILENCE in CHENGDU

If no yellow bet poison. If yellow bet fire. If green bet poisonous fire.

Correct translation –

禁止黄、赌、毒 Porn, Gambling and Narcotics are prohibited

Have some funny Chinglish you want to share? Send us the picture on WeChat! We will pick the best ones each week to post!