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lunedì 31 dicembre 2012

Happy New Year

English: Wikipedia Happy New Year

English: Wikipedia Happy New Year (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Happy New Year



giovedì 27 dicembre 2012

le firme, le firme

Arrghhh ho un bellissimo logo, un nome di partito facile facile, adesso mi servono nell’ordine di importanza:


le firme

le liste di candidati

un programma


ovviamente il programma viene da buon ultimo data la sua relativa utilità, qualcosa da dire si trova sempre


ma le firme? al cambio attuale una firma quanto viene? supponiamo anche che con la crisi il prezzo si abbassi a 5€ tenendo presente che ne occorrono 30.000 mi viene a costare troppo, mica li ho tutti quei soldi.

30.000 * 5 = 150.000 e se avevo tutto sto denaro mi buttavo in politica? occorre fare economia di scala…. vediamo:

potrei innanzi tutto organizzare una campagna di raccolta su internet, le firme devono essere nel formato scarabocchio per nome e scarabocchio per cognome, carta di identità di qualcuno, anche inventata.

Occorre alleggerire leggermente le richieste di legge, spesso assurdi fardelli tipo: chi firma deve essere in vita, esistere, non può firmare più volte….. ufff che regole antidemocratiche.


quindi direi che un generatore di nomi e cognomi casuale andrebbe bene, o più semplicemente rivolgersi alle pagine bianche per avere un po’ di nominativi, tenendo presente che io posso firmare e già cosi posso coprire una certa quantità di firme:

Antonio Ierano

Ierano Antonio

Ieranò Antonio

Antonio Ieranò

Antonio Ierano’

Ierano’ Antonio


…. Mica male vero?


dai che cosi facendo riesco a racimolare un 25\30k firme che è quello che mi serve….

Elezioni Elezioni

Ci risiamo ci risiamo, ricomincia il balletto elettorale, e come al solito mi aspetto luminari esempi di chiarezza e di coerenza

Ora sono sicuro che ancora una volta avremo, dalle forze politiche, messaggi chiari, incontrovertibili, inequivocabili, cosi come mi aspetto una lettura dei voti assolutamente trasparente con una chiara ammissione di responsabilità e dichiarazioni di vittoria e sconfitta….insomma esattamente come l’altra volta, lol, quando avevo scritto questo

quasi quasi mi candido anche io, chi mi vota?

Next Step: New Year 2013

And this is it, the 21 of December didn’t bring us anything new. From my spot I can see that my country is still the same and don’t seems to me that the other ones have changed at all… so as ususal we have to wish for the best for the new year to come. could 2013 be a better one? Honestly, hardly can be worse but never say never let’s try to keep it easy and wish that somehow things will start rolling the right way for each of one us


venerdì 21 dicembre 2012

it's 21 and I'm Alive, I'm alive

weather (Photo credit: born1945)

Not sure it is the same everywhere but I’m alive and it is already the 21 🙂 and politicians says the ususal useless things, the weather sucks like yesterday and nothing seems changed….


OMG what if the maya were wrong? 🙂


well will try to keep you informed during the day (first breackfast, then daughter to school, then shopping – the prosecco-)

giovedì 20 dicembre 2012

Il Logo

Italiano: Simbolo del nuovo Partito dell’Amore del 1992, con il volto di Moana Pozzi. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Da qualche parte ho letto che un partito richiede innanzi tutto la creazione di una piattaforma politica, una espressione di idee e progetti. ovviamente chi lo ha scritto non aveva in mente il nostro panorama politico, ho quindi deciso di partire da elementi più pregnanti ed attinenti alla nostra realtà:

  1. innanzi tutto ho scelto di entrare in campo
  2. ho scelto una motivazione personale
  3. ho creato un blog
  4. ho iniziato a lavorare sul logo e sul nome.

ma, mi si potrebbe chiedere, e la piattaforma politica? ma come adesso chiedete anche la piattaforma politica? e da quando? la ultima volta che vidi chiedere qualcosa di simile ad un candidato era un giornalista che intervistava la compianta Moana Pozzi.

Iniziamo dalle cose importante, queste altre quisquiglie poi si vedranno.

dunque si stava dicendo il logo, scelta sofferta quasi quanto il nome, almeno 10 minuti di lavoro, una cosa INCONCEPIBILE. ma sono fiero del risultato, ecco qui step by step la genesi:


il tutto inizia da un foglio bianco, come le mie idee del resto


La genesi parte dall’assunto che un logo rappresenta il partito e le sue idee, ed essendo un partito italiano occorreva rappresentare l’Italia.

Ora però occorreva dare una più ampia profondità al messaggio.

occorreva esprimere il cardine inequivocabile che esprimesse la ragione profonda del partito: io


Adesso occorreva controbilanciare il possibile sospetto di egocentrismo con una analoga rappresentazione dei soggetti cui il partito si rivolge, dando una strizzata d’occhio ad un sano nazionalismo.

ed ecco che cosi si espande la idea, ponendo anche una folla festante ed una nota di sana ironia (il tipo che fa le corna al centro) che fa tanto Italia.

cosa manca a tutto ciò? un nome, un nome che rifletta il fatto che questo è un partito di tutti, per tutti, con tutti.

spostando al centro della scena politica l’Italia e riducendo ulteriormente l’impronta ego centrista ecco nascere la nuova speranza italiana il:

Partito Rivoluzionario Conservatore Social Popolare Populista Proletario Centro Antero Posteriore Bilaterale Liberale Repubblicano Istituzionale

o semplicemente


Scendo in Campo

Jupiter with Io and Shadow Transit
Jupiter with Io and Shadow Transit (Photo credit: DJMcCrady)

è l’italia che me lo chiede, avete bisogno di me 🙂

Dopo anni riluttante ho deciso, qui nascera una nuova speranza ed una nuova luce, dopo tutto se comici, professionisti dell’etere, igiensite dentali, subrette, pornostars possono godere di redditi milionari, pensioni e vitalizi succosi perchè non io?

qui nascerà la nuova piattaforma con un intento dichiarato: sistemartmi a vita ed evitare di lavorare!

Doomsday ... Happy End of the World!!!

Bugarach Village 2
Bugarach Village 2 (Photo credit: marcovdz)

Tomorrow is the End, according to some people (actually a lot of) that believe in a weird interpretation of a so called maya profecy.

Well I have my plan: I will not go to Cisternino or Bugarach, instead I will go to Milan to do some stuffs, then I’ll probably buy a good bottle of prosecco to drink to the new era with my wife 🙂 On the other end if the world really will reach it’s end, well, I will admit I was wrong not to believe it, but I do not think will make any difference he he he 🙂

domenica 16 dicembre 2012

Maya update

italy (Photo credit: kygp)


well well well, what can I say i fogot another safe place from the apocalypse, a place in Italy called cisternino. no idea why, but seem to me that the ones who  believe in those thing are also able to find an escape 🙂 is great, isn’t it?


mercoledì 12 dicembre 2012

Seasons Greetings

WIKIPEDIA-Logo plus eigene Zeichnung.

Image via Wikipedia

I’ts time again and it’s December.

Time for snow, Holidays, Season’s greetings and Xmas for most of us. and we should not forget New Year Eve 

So Just to not forget my bad attitude here you are a list if Merry Xmas and Happy New Year in enough languages to be able to talk with any of your neighborhoods. If not send me a note  and I will regret with the source (

Wish you guys all the best: joy, serenity, happiness and more.


PS: since in a few days is the 21 and today is the 12/12/12 better to read this post as soon as possible 🙂

Christmas illustration
Christmas illustration (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A Christmas Carol
LanguageMerry Christmas and a Happy New Year
AfrikaansGeseënde Kersfees en ‘n voorspoedige Nuwe jaar
Geseënde Kersfees en ‘n gelukkige nuwe jaar
AkeanonMaayad-ayad nga Paskwa
Mahigugmaon nga Bag-ong Dag-on kinyo tanan!
AlbanianGëzuar Krishtlindjet e Vitin e Ri
AleutKamgan Ukudigaa
AlsatianE güeti Wïnâchte un e gleckichs Nej Johr
Amharicመልካም ገና (Melkam Gena) – Merry Christmas
– celebrated on 7th January

መልካም አዲስ አመት (Melkam Addis Amet) – Happy New Year
– celebrated on 11th September
Apache (Western)Gozhqq Keshmish
Arabic (Modern Standard)أجمل التهاني بمناسبة الميلاد و حلول السنة الجديدة
(ajmil at-tihānī bimunāsabah al-mīlād wa ḥilūl as-sanah al-jadīdah)
Armenian(Eastern)Շնորհավոր Ամանոր և Սուրբ Ծնունդ
(Shnorhavor Amanor yev Surb Tznund)
Armenian(Western)Շնորհաւոր Նոր Տարի եւ Սուրբ Ծնունդ:
(Shnorhavor Nor Daree yev Soorp Dzuhnoont)
Բարի կաղանդ և ամանոր (Paree gaghant yev amanor)
AromanianCărciun hărios şi ti mulţă-anji Anlu Nàù!
AsturianBones Navidaes y Gayoleru añu nuevu!
AymaraSooma Nawira-ra
AzerbaijaniYeni Iliniz Mübarək / Təzə iliniz yaxşı olsun (Happy New Year)
BasqueZorionak eta urte berri on
BelarusianЗ Божым нараджэннем (Z Bozym naradzenniem)
Шчаслівых Калядау (Szczaslivych Kaliadau)
З Новым годам i Калядамi (Z Novym godam i Kaliadami)
Bengaliশুভ বড়দিন (shubho bôṛodin)
শুভ নববর্ষ (shubho nôbobôrsho)
Bhojpuriशुभ क्रिसमस और शुभ नव वर्ष (subh krismas auur subh nav varsh)
BikolMaogmang Pasko
Mamura-way na Ba-gong Taon sa indo gabos!
BosnianSretan Bozic i sretna nova godina
BretonNedeleg laouen ha bloavezh mat
BulgarianЧестита Коледа (Čestita Koleda)
Весела Коледа (Vesela Koleda)
Щастлива Нова Година (Štastliva Nova Godina)
Честита нова година (Čestita nova godina)
CatalanBon Nadal i feliç any nou
CebuanoMaayong Pasko
Mabungahong Bag-ong Tuig kaninyong tanan!
ChamorroFelis Nåbidåt yan Magof na Åñu Nuebu!
Felis Påsgua yan Magof na Åñu Nuebu!
(Danistayohihv & Aliheli’sdi Itse Udetiyvasadisv)
CheyenneHoesenestotse & Aa’eEmona’e
聖誕節同新年快樂 (singdaanjit tùhng sànnìhn faailohk)
恭喜發財 (gùng héi faat chōi) – used at Chinese New Year
聖誕節快樂 (siin5tan5ziet7 kuai5lok8)
新年快樂 (sin1ngien2 kuai5lok8)
恭喜發財 (giung1 hi3 fat7 coi2)
– used at Chinese New Year
聖誕快樂 新年快樂 [圣诞快乐 新年快乐]
(shèngdàn kuàilè xīnnián kuàilè)
恭喜發財 [恭喜发财] (gōngxǐ fācái) – used at Chinese New Year
圣诞节快乐 (sêntê khuâloq)
新年快乐 (xingni khuâloq) 恭喜发财 (gong xi fa ze)
聖誕節快樂 (sing3-tan3-tseh khoai3-lok8)
新年快樂 (sin-ni5 khoai3-lok8)
恭喜發財 (kiong-hi2 huat-tsai5)
圣诞快乐 (siandang kuailak)
新年快乐 (singnin kuailak)
ChoctawYukpa, Nitak Hollo Chito
ComancheTsaa Nu̶u̶sukatu̶̲ Waa Himaru̶
CornishNadelik Lowen ha Blydhen Nowydh Da
Nadelik Looan ha Looan Blethen Noweth
Nadelack looan ha looan blethan noueth
CorsicanBon Natale e pace e salute
Creeᒥᑐ ᒪᑯᓯ ᑫᓯᑲᓐᓯ
(Mitho Makosi Kesikansi)
CreekAfvcke Nettvcakorakko
CroatianSretan Božić!
Sretna Nova godina!
CzechVeselé vánoce a šťastný nový rok
DanishGlædelig jul og godt nytår
DutchPrettige kerstdagen en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!
Zalig kerstfeest en Gelukkig Nieuwjaar
East Inuktitutᖁᕕᐊᓱᒡᕕᒻᒥ ᖁᕕᐊᓱᒋᑦ/ ᖁᕕᐊᓱᕝᕕᓯᐅᑦᓯᐊᕆᑦ ᐊᒻᒪ ᕿᑎᙳᒪᕆᒃ
Quviasummi Quviasugitsi/Quviasuvvisiutsiarit ammalu Qitinngumarik!
EsperantoĜojan Kristnaskon kaj feliĉan novan jaron
Bonan Kristnaskon kaj feliĉan novan jaron
EstonianRõõmsaid Jõule ja Head Uut Aastat
Häid Jõule ja Head Uut Aastat
FaroeseGleðilig Jól og eydnuríkt nýggjár
Gleðilig Jól og gott nýggjár (frm)
Gleiðilig jól og eitt av harranum signað nýggjár
FijianMe Nomuni na marau ni siga ni sucu kei na tawase ni yabaki vou
FilipinoMaligayang pasko at manigong bagong taon!
FinnishHyvää joulua ja onnellista uutta vuotta
FlemishZalig Kerstfeest en Gelukkig Nieuwjaar
FrisianNoflike Krystdagen en folle lok en seine
FrenchJoyeux Noël et bonne année
FriulianBon Nadâl e Biel An Gnûv!
GalicianBo Nadal e próspero aninovo
Georgianგილოცავთ შობა-ახალ წელს (gilocavth shoba-akhal c’els) – frm
გილოცავ შობა-ახალ წელს (gilocav shoba-akhal c’els) – inf
GermanFrohe/Fröhliche Weihnachten
und ein gutes neues Jahr / ein gutes Neues / und ein gesundes neues Jahr / und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr
Frohes Fest und guten Rutsch [ins neue Jahr]
German (Bavarian)Froue Weihnåcht’n, und a guad’s nei’s Joah
German (Hessian)Frohe Weihnachte unn ein gudes neus Jahr
German (Swiss)Schöni Fäschttäg / Schöni Wienachte
und e guets neus Jahr / en guete Rutsch is neue Johr
Schöni Wiehnachte und es guets Neus
Schöni Wiänachtä, äs guets Nöis
German (Pennsylvania)En frehlicher Grischtdaag un en hallich Nei Yaahr
GreekΚαλά Χριστούγεννα! (Kalá hristúyenna)
Ευτυχισμένο το Νέο Έτος! (Eftyhisméno to Néo Étos!)
Καλή χρονιά! (Kalí hroñá)
GreenlandicJuullimi Ukiortaassamilu Pilluarit (sg)
Juullimi Ukiortaassamilu Pilluaritsi (pl)
Guinea-Bissau CreoleBom Natal ku boas entradas, pa ano entrano diritu
Gujaratiસાલ મુબારક (sāl mūbārak)
Haitian CreoleJwaye Nowèl e Bònn Ane
HausaBarka da Kirsimatikuma barka da sabuwar shekara
HawaiianMele Kalikimaka me ka Hauʻoli Makahiki Hou
Hebrewחג מולד שמח ושנה טובה
Chag Molad Sameach v’Shanah Tovah
HiligaynonMalipayon nga Paskwa
Mahamungayaon nga Bag-ong Tuig sa inyong tanan
Hindiशुभ क्रिसमस (śubh krisamas)
नये साल की हार्दिक शुभकामनायें (naye sāl kī hārdik śubhkāmnayeṅ)
HungarianKellemes karácsonyt és boldog új évet
IcelandicGleðileg jól og farsælt komandi ár
Gleðileg jól og farsælt nýtt ár
IdoJoyoza Kristonasko e Felica Nova Yaro
IlokanoNaragsak a Paskua
Narang-ay a Baro a Tawen kadakayo amin!
IndonesianSelamat hari natal dan tahun baru
InonhanMalipayon nga Paskwa
kag Masadya nga Bag-ong Tuig sa inyo tanan.
Inuktitutᑯᕕᐊᓇᒃ ᐃᓄᕕᐊ (Kuvianak Inovia) – Merry Christmas
IñupiaqQuvianagli Anaiyyuniqpaliqsi suli Nakuuluni Ukiutqiutiqsi
InupiatunAnnaurri Aniruq-lu Paglaun Ukiutchiaq!
Quvianaq Agaayuniqpak-lu Paglaun Ukiutchiaq!
Nayaangmik Piqagiñ-lu Paglaun Ukiutchiaq!
Irish (Gaelic)Nollaig shona duit/daoibh (Happy Christmas to you)
Beannachtaí na Nollag (Christmas Greetings)
Beannachtaí an tSéasúir (Season’s Greetings)
Athbhliain faoi mhaise duit/daoibh (Prosperous New Year)
Bliain úr faoi shéan is faoi mhaise duit/daoibh (Happy New Year to you)
ItalianBuon Natale e felice anno nuovo
Japaneseメリークリスマス (merī kurisumasu)
New Year greeting – ‘Western’ style
新年おめでとうございます (shinnen omedetō gozaimasu)
New Year greetings – Japanese style
明けましておめでとうございます (akemashite omedetō gozaimasu)
旧年中大変お世話になりました (kyūnenjū taihen osewa ni narimashita)
本年もよろしくお願いいたします (honnen mo yoroshiku onegai itashimasu)
JavaneseSugeng Riyạyạ Natal lan Warsạ Énggal (frm)
Sugeng Natal lan Sugeng Warso Enggal (inf)
Slamet Natal lan Taun Anyar (inf)
JèrriaisBouan Noué / Jouaiyeux Noué et Bouonne année
Un Bouan Noué et lé Nouvel An!
Judeo-Spanish / LadinoNoel alegre i felis anyo muevo
Kannadaಕ್ರಿಸ್ ಮಸ್ ಹಬ್ಬದ ಶುಭಾಷಯಗಳು
(kris mas habbada shubhaashayagalu)
ಹೊಸ ವರ್ಷದ ಶುಭಾಶಯ
(hosa varṣada śubhāśaya)
KapampanganMasayang Pasku
Masaplalang Bayung Banwa keko ngan!
KazakhЖаңа жыл құтты болсын! (Jaña jıl quttı bolsın!) – inf
Жаңа жылыңыз құтты болсын! (Jaña jılıñız quttı bolsın!) – frm
(Happy New Year)
KinyarwandaNoheri nziza n’umwaka mushya muhire!
KlingonQISmaS DatIvjaj ‘ej DIS chu’ DatIvjaj (sg)
QISmaS botIvjaj ‘ej DIS chu’ botIvjaj (pl)
Korean즐거운 성탄절 보내시고 새해 복 많이 받으세요
(jeulgeoun seongtanjeol bonaesigo saehae bok manhi bateusaeyo)
Kurdish (Kurmanji)Kirîsmes u ser sala we pîroz be
Kurdish(Sorani)Kirîsmes u salî nwêtan lê pîroz bê
KyrgyzЖаратканнын туысымен (Žaratkannyi tuysymen) – Christmas
Жаны Жынылыздар менен (Žany Žynylyzdar menen) – New Year
LaoSouksan van Christmas
Sabai dee pee mai
LatinNatale hilare et annum faustum
LatvianPriecīgus Ziemassvētkus un laimīgu Jauno gadu
LithuanianLinksmų Kalėdų ir laimingų Naujųjų Metų
LugandaMbagaliza Christmass Enungi Nomwaka Omugya Gubaberere Gwamirembe
LuxembourgishE schéine Chrëschtdag an e glécklecht neit Joer
Schéi Feierdeeg an e glécklecht neit Joer
Schéi Chrëschtdeeg an e gudde Rutsch an d’neit Joer
MacedonianХристос се роди! (Hristoc se rodi!) – Christ is born
Среќен Божик и среќна Нова година
(Sreken Božik i srekna Nova godina)
MalagasyMirary noely sambatra
Arahabaina tratrin’ny taona vaovao
MalaySelamat Hari Natal (Christmas)
Selamat Tahun Baru (New Year)
Malayalamക്രിസ്തുമസ്, പുതുവത്സര ആശംസകള്‍ (kristumas puthuvalsara āshamsakal) – Christmas
ക്രിസ്തുമസ് ആശംസകല് (kariistumasu aashamsakal) – Christmas
നവവല്സര ആശംസകല് (nava-valsara aashamsakal) – New Year
MalteseIl-Milied Ħieni u s-Sena t-Tajba
Awguri għas-sena l-ġdida
ManxNollick Ghennal as Blein Vie Noa
MāoriMeri Kirihimete me ngā mihi o te tau hou ki a koutou katoa
Marathiशुभ नाताळ (Śubh Nātāḷ)
नवीन वर्षच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा (Navīn varṣacyā hārdik śubhecchā)
MongolianТанд зул сарын баярын болон шинэ жилийн мэндийг хүргэе
(Tand zul sariin bayriin bolon shine jiliin mendiig hurgey)
NavajoYa’at’eeh Keshmish
Nepaliक्रस्मसको शुभकामना तथा नयाँ वर्षको शुभकामना
(krismas ko subhakamana tatha nayabarsha ko subhakamana)
NorwegianGod jul og godt nytt år (Bokmål)
God jol og godt nyttår (Nynorsk)
OccitanPolit Nadal e bona annada
OgoniEenyie Mea Krist Ne Eenyie Aagbaa
Old EnglishGlæd Geol and Gesælig Niw Gear
PangasinanMaabig ya Pasko
Maaligwas ya Balon Taon ed sikayon amin!
PapiamentuBon Pasku i Felis Anja Nobo
Persian(kerismas mobārak) كریسمس مبارک
(sale no mobārak) سال نو مبارک
PolishWesołych świąt i szczęśliwego Nowego Roku
PortugueseFeliz Natal e próspero ano novo / Feliz Ano Novo
Boas Festas e Feliz Ano Novo / Um Santo e Feliz Natal
<=”<” novo=”novo” ano=”ano” um=”um” e=”e” natal=”natal” feliz=”feliz” .=”.” />
Punjabiਮੈਰੀ ਕ੍ਰਿਸਮਸ। (merī krismas) – not used
ਨਵਾਂ ਸਾਲ/ਵਰਾ ਮੁਬਾਰਕ। (navā̃ sāl/varā mubārak)
QuechuaSumaj kausay kachun Navidad ch’sisipi
Mosoi Watapi sumaj kausaykachun
QuenyaAlassëa Hristomerendë! Alassëa Vinyarië!
RarotonganKia orana e kia manuia rava i teia Kiritimeti e te Mataiti Ou
(Sursilvan dialect)
Legreivlas fiastas da Nadal ed in bien niev onn!
RomanianCrăciun fericit şi un An Nou Fericit
RussianС Рождеством Христовым (S Roždestvom Khristovym)
С наступающим Новым Годом (S nastupayuščim Novym Godom)
SamoanIa manuia le Kerisimasi ma le Tausaga Fou
SardinianBonu nadale e prosperu annu nou
ScotsA Blythe Yule an a Guid Hogmanay
Merry Christmas an a Guid Hogmanay
Scottish GaelicNollaig chridheil agus bliadhna mhath ùr
SerbianХристос се роди (Hristos se rodi) – Christ is born
Ваистину се роди (Vaistinu se rodi) – truly born (reply)
Срећна Нова Година (Srećna Nova Godina) – Happy New Year
SesothoKeresemese e monate le mahlohonolo a selemo se setjha
SicilianBon Natali e filici annu novu / Boni festi e bon’annu novu
SindarinMereth Veren e-Doled Eruion! Garo Idhrinn Eden Veren!
Sinhalaසුභ නත්තලක් (subha natthalak)
සුබ නව වසරක් වේවා (suba tava vasarak)
SlovakVeselé vianoce a Štastný nový rok
SlovenianVesel božič in srečno novo leto
SomaliCiid wanaagsan iyo sanad cusub oo fiican
Spanish¡Feliz Navidad y próspero año nuevo!
SwahiliKrismasi Njema / Heri ya krismas
Heri ya mwaka mpya
SwedishGod jul och gott nytt år
TagalogMaligayang Pasko, Manigong bagong taon
Tamilகிறிஸ்துமஸ் மற்றும் இனிய புத்தாண்டு வாழ்த்துக்கள்
(Christmas matrum puthaandu vaazthukkal)
கிறிஸ்துமஸ் மற்றும் இனிய புத்தாண்டு வாழ்த்துக்கள்
(Christmas matrum puthaandu vaazthukkal)
TahitianIa orana no te noere
Ia orana i te matahiti api
Yaña yıl belän
Teluguసంతోషకరమైన క్రిస్ఠ్మస్ !
(saṅthoashakaramaina kristmas)
మరియు నూతన సంవత్సర శుభాకాంక్షలు
(mariyu noothana saṅvathsara shubhaakaaṅkshalu)
TetumKsolok loron natal nian no Boas entradas!
Thaiสุขสันต์วันคริสต์มาส และสวัสดีปีใหม่
(sùk săn wan-krít-mâat láe sà-wàt-dee bpee mài)
(Losar La Tashi Delek – Happy New Year)
Tigrinyaርሑስ በዓል ልደት (ይግበረልካ) (rHus beˋal ldet (ygberelka))
ርሑስ አውደ ዓመት (ይግበረልካ) (rHus əwed ˋamet (ygberelka))
TonganKilisimasi fiefia mo ha ta’u fo’ou monū’ia
TsotsilXmuyubajuk ti avo’one ti ta k’ine xchu’uk ti ta ach’ jabile
TswanaKeresemose e e monate le ngwaga o o itumedisang
Turkishİyi Noeller ve Mutlu Yıllar
İyi seneler / Yeni yılınız kutlu olsun (Happy New Year)
Yeni yılınızı kutlar, sağlık ve başarılar dileriz
(We wish you a happy, healthy and successful new year)
TuscaroraUjhenetya Kriswen tihsne? Nu Yah!!
UkrainianВеселого Різдва і з Новим Роком
(Veseloho Rizdva i z Novym Rokom)
Urduکرسمَس مبارک
‘Merry Christmas’ = (krismas mubarak)
نايا سال مبارک هو
‘New Year’s blessings to you’ = (naya sal mubarik hu)
بڑدا دنمبارک هو
‘Big day’s blessings to you’ = (burda din mubarik hu)
Uyghurيىڭى يىلىڭىزغا مۇبارەك بولسۇن
Merry Christmas – (rojistiwa bayrimingizge mubarek bolsun)
روجىستىۋا بايرىمىڭىزغا مۇبارەك بولسۇن
Happy New Year – (yingi yilingizge mubarek bolsun
UzbekYangi yilingiz bilan! (Happy New Year)
VietnameseChúc Giáng Sinh Vui Vẻ và Chúc Năm Mới Tốt Lành
VolapükLemotöfazäli yofik e nulayeli läbik
VõroHüvvä joulu ja õnnõlikku vahtsõt aastakka
Waray-WarayMaupay nga Pasko
Mainuswagon nga Bag-ong Tuig ha iyo ngatanan!
WelshNadolig llawen a blwyddyn newydd dda
West Inuktitunᖁᕕᐊᓇᖅ ᕿᑦᓯᕐᕕᒃ/ ᖁᕕᐊᓱᒋᑦ ᖁᕕᐊᓱᒡᕕᖕᒥ ᐊᒻᒪ ᖁᕕᐊᓇᖅ ᐅᑭᐅᐊᖅ ᓄᑖᖅ ᑎᑭᖕᒥᕗᖅ! Quvianaq Qitchirvik/Quviahugitsi Quviahugvingmi amma Quvianaq Ukiuaq Nutaaq Tikingmivuq!
XhosaSiniqwenelela Ikrisimesi Emnandi Nonyaka Omtsha Ozele Iintsikelelo
Yiddishאַ פֿרײליכע ניטל און אַ גוטער נײַער יאָר
(A freylikhe nitl un a guter nayer yor)
YorùbáẸ ku Ayọ Keresimesi ati Ọdun Tuntun
ZuluNgikufisela uKhisimusi oMuhle noNyaka oMusha oNempumelelo

NB: Christmas is not universally celebrated and there are a number of different dates for Christmas and New Year depending on which calendar is used. Orthodox Christians who use the Julian calendar, for example in Russia and Serbia, celebrate Christmas on 7th January

  • [Video] What’s Your Favorite Christmas Movie Of All Time? (
  • Merry Christmas! (

martedì 27 novembre 2012

Società da tenere d'occhio : EASYCLOUD.IT

English: Diagram showing three main types of c...
English: Diagram showing three main types of cloud computing (public/external, hybrid, private/internal) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Alzi la mano chi non ha sentito parlare di cloud, ed alzi la mano chi lo sta effettivamente usando….. come chi lei cosa?
Oggi si fa un gran parlare di cloud service , nuvole e via dicendo, ma ad oggi l’introduzione in azienda di reali servizi clou latita nonostante le interessanti promesse che il clou porta con sé: risparmi a medio lungo termine, mobilità, minor impiego di risorse locali, maggiore resilienza ed efficienza.
Uno dei motivi che ostacolano la introduzione dei servizi cloud é che risulta difficile per un non “ADDETTO AI LAVORI” orientarsi nel mare Magnum della offerta attuale. Quale servizio cloud, da chi, con che livello di integrazione sono domande di non facile risposta.
Non bastano, infatti, neanche le tradizionali conoscenze informatiche ad indirizzarsi correttamente, tanto che il mercato registra un crescente interesse per figure con competenze specifiche.
Del resto il cloud introduce tutta una serie nuova di tematiche (chi AD ESEMPIO, si preoccupava prima del lock in e del Lock out?) e nuove possibilità che vanno esplorate con attenzione.
Vale più la pena avere solo uno storage cloud, o meglio un db? O andiamo sul cloud semplicemente comprando spazio e cpu o anche servizi? E come siamo messi in riferimento al rispetto di eventuali normative di legge? Amazon o Azure? E cosa vulnerabilità dire l’offerta cloud di telecom italia? Posso comprare un servizio qui ed uno la? E possono parlare tra loro? Office365 o googledoc? Software-as-a-service?…
Insomma ci sono tante cosa da tenere in conto e da capire per fare un investimento che abbia in senso, e implicazioni che spesso non sono considerate di primo acchito, anche in positivo , nel senso di ricadute dei servizi cloud che migliorano l’esperienza lavorativa prima semplicemente non pensabile, dal home working al mobile working.
Il rischio e di lasciarsi trascinare e prendere qualcosa che poi non si usa (Tragico destino di molti crm, dlp, software di monitoraggio e così via).
In questa ottica mi sembra bello poter segnalare una realtà italiana innovativa a livello globale, una start-up la cui missione è proprio venire incontro alle esigenze di chi potrebbe adottare efficacemente soluzioni clou ma non dispone del know-how adatto.
EASYCLOUD come cloud broker, si propone di fornire quel knowledgeware che serve per dotarsi in maniera aziendalmente efficace ed efficiente di servizi cloud prendendo in considerazione tutti gli aspetti legati a questa introduzione, offrendo tool di integrazione e guidando l’azienda nella difficile scelta di chi è cosa comprare.
Il sito è andate a farci un giro se siete attratti dalla idea di introdurre nella vostra azienda un servizio cloud, né vale la pena.

giovedì 22 novembre 2012

referendum per abbassare la paga ai politici (sull’abrogazione parziale della Legge 31 maggio 1965, n. 1261)

Administrative divisions of Italy Regions (bla...
Administrative divisions of Italy Regions (black borders) Provinces (grey borders) Comuni (white borders) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

lo so sono in ritardo, ma voglio scrivere comunque due parole su questo commento che ho ricevuto su un mio post.
Ancora una volta la stampa italiana da ampia dimostrazione di fregarsene altamente delle azioni della società civile e di “proteggere” il sistema politico che ha parole dice di criticare ma che nei fatti …
Mi sembra un giusto contrappasso che in cambio una classe politica di dubbia moralità ed etica (il riferimento è esclusivamente alle vicende giudiziare) pensi bene a porre ulteriori bavagli ad una realtà gia abbastanza asservita con la normativa sulla diffamazione a mezzo stampa.
Pur non entrando nel merito della proposta del comitato del sole, condivisibile o meno, siamo ancora una volta davanti ad un vergognoso silenzio che copre i tentativi di colpire le tasche dei nostri parlamentari.
a proposito voi avete sottoscritto il referendum?
rimane da capire se io da blogger rientro nel novero dei gironalisti o degli editori responsabili (non che faccia differenza, io non avrei i soldi per la multa e quindi mi sa andrei in carcere in ogni caso :P)
Submitted on 2012/11/19 at 10:54 pm

Salve sono cecilia carpanini referente del comitato del sole.
Alla fine di ottobre è ricominciata la raccolta delle firme per il referendum
sull’abrogazione parziale della Legge 31 maggio 1965, n. 1261 (Determinazione
delle indennità spettanti ai membri del Parlamento) di cui è stata data
pubblicazione nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 96 del 24 aprile 2012, .

Il “Comitato del Sole” formato da semplici cittadini, è un’associazione
apartitica, senza scopo di lucro che, con mezzi propri e senza finanziamenti,
ha promosso la raccolta.
A differenza di altre iniziative sostenuta per esempio da partiti, il
“Comitato del Sole” chiede l’abrogazione di più voci oltre la diaria: spese
di segreteria e rappresentanza, diaria, cumuli d’indennità, aumenti stipendi,
avanzamento carriera, trattamento di quiescenza, previdenza, assistenza
sanitaria, assistenza previdenziale, indennità mensile, per un totale di
circa 12.000,00 euro mensili a politico.

Tutti i comuni italiani sopra i 10000 abitanti sono stati attivati, sul sito
 si possono trovare tutte le informazioni sui
comuni, gli orari e i referenti del comitato.

Purtroppo, NESSUNA testata giornalistica nazionale o regionale, nonostante i
tantissimi comunicati stampa, ha dato spazio a questa notizia che, ha potuto
contare solo sul passaparola dei cittadini e questo è stato il motivo
principale della lenta diffusione di ciò che stava accadendo.

Stiamo cercando di sensibilizzare i media; come si fa a farsi
ascoltare o a trovare qualcuno che scriva due righe (senza per questo
pretendere uno schieramento) su ciò che sta avvenendo?

martedì 9 ottobre 2012


Ok what can I say, it’s a long way to go from Vistarino to Estepona but I think it worth the trip.
Starting time 00 am (midnight for human being) , right after the opening cerimony of the olimpic games. Beside, Did you like it?
First stop Barcellona. Geez i love that place, even after 10 hours sharing drive with my wife. We reach the hotel and took a ride on a siteseeing tour bus, the hop on hop off ones.
It was really nice, even if i have to admit that i sleeped some minutes during the ride, well i were not driveing :-).
Barcellona is wonderful, the buildings are amazing, not to mention the pieces of arts like the sagrada familia. All the town seems to be builded to make you feel confortable and it’s clear that maintenance is really good. I just hope that this damn crisis will not stop it’s developement.
But Im quite sure we all know that barcellona is great. Just give it a couple of days minimum :-).
After such a big tour we went back to hotel, eat some tapas in a nice restsurant close and went to sleep. The day after ha been the spanish trip, from barcelona to estepona.
Nothing better thsn a trip like that to appreciate the astonishing beauty of Spain. (Well part of).
I mean, if just the trip on the highway is able to show you such different beautiful landscapes, so different and si intriguing, can you imagine what could be a deeper visit?
Well not so much time so we drove rigti to estepona withouth stop. What a relief to arrive…

lunedì 8 ottobre 2012

Help request for a personal survey (and first results)

Dear all

as many of you may remeber I’ve asked some time ago to fill a short survey about myself:

I want to thanks all that kindly answered, so now is my turn to return the favour sharing the results I’ve collected as of now.

May be I will make comment soon (mostly on point 8, that could mean I have to improve everything or i have not so big holes at the end )

Of course I would appreciate more result so please if you haven’t could you fill this survey?

Thanks in advance

360° Peer Evaluation Report


Overview: responses received

Antonio ierano
Security Consultant and Blogger
Milan Area, Italy


Time Elapsed
7 days

About the 360° Peer Evaluation Report

This Report is a 360° profile of your personality, skills and impact at your workplace as seen by your colleagues and others in your network. It is a snapshot of your professional indicators. 360° reports are used by thousands of companies and millions of professionals around the world to get an objective, outside view of personal performance and progress. Others often tell you things more objectively than you can see for yourself. Use this report to see how you are seen professionally by others and to advance your career. This report is private and only visible to you.

We recommend at least 30 completed responses in order to get a statistically-valid picture of your professional standing.


Your Dominant Work Personality Type


Co-operative, team player, best in group environments, helping hand.

Secondary Personality Types

  • Realistic: Likes to get things done, practical, stable, results-oriented.
  • Enterprising: Competitive, persuasive, energetic, works well outside-the-box.
  • Conventional: Precise, rule-oriented, orderly, works well in highly structured environments.
  • Investigative: Prefers strategy, thinking, organizing, analytical, curious.
  • Artistic: Imaginative, artistic, disorderly, emotional, original.
What is this?

Holland Occupational Themes (RIASEC), developed by the late psychologist John L. Holland, refers to a theory of careers and vocational choice based upon personality types. Each letter or code stands for a particular “type”: Realistic (Doers), Investigative (Thinkers), Artistic (Creators), Social (Helpers), Enterprising (Persuaders), and Conventional (Organizers). Holland’s research shows that personalities seek out and flourish in career environments they fit in. Holland also wrote of his theory that “the choice of a vocation is an expression of personality”. This helps you determine what personality others see you as, and what sort of professions or roles you may be naturally good at based on your type.


There are 6 personality types under Holland Occupational Themes (RIASEC). There is no “good” or “bad”, or right or wrong answer. Every type is naturally better at certain roles than others. This does not you cannot succeed at other roles. It shows areas where you have a natural advantage.

  • Realistic: Likes to get things done, practical, stable, results-oriented.
  • Investigative: Prefers strategy, thinking, organizing, analytical, curious.
  • Artistic: Imaginative, artistic, disorderly, emotional, original.
  • Social:: Co-operative, team player, best in group environments, helping hand.
  • Enterprising: Competitive, persuasive, energetic, works well outside-the-box.
  • Conventional: Precise, rule-oriented, orderly, works well in highly structured environments.
Natural-Fit Roles

As ‘Social’, you are better-suited based on your personality type at the following roles:


Personality Matches


Your Net Promoter Score %

What is this?

Net Promoter Score is a research tool that can be used to gauge how likely people are to recommend you to their colleagues and friends. It was introduced by Reichheld in the 2003 Harvard Business Review. 1% = lowest, 100% = highest. It is used as an indicator for word-of-mouth marketing, repeat business and organic growth at a corporate level. At a personal level, it is used as an indicator for career advancement prospects. The higher your number, the more likely others are to help you advance your career by speaking of you positively, recommending you to their friends and otherwise being conducive to your growth.


Red (0 to 50%): BAD.

Others are not likely to help advance your career. You are viewed mostly negatively by your network. You should attempt to connect better with others, foster deeper relationships and be positive. Treat them as you would like to be treated yourself. Being more visible or prominent at the workplace will also help.

Yellow (51% to 80%): OK

You are viewed as average by your network. Some people may help advance your career, while others will not. This is where 60% of the population falls. You should focus on identifying those individuals within your network that think very highly of you and forging deeper ties with them. Work more closely with those that think highly of you. Continue to be more useful to others, and more prominent at work. Ensure your efforts are noticed.

Green (81% to 100%): GREAT

You are viewed very positively by most of your network. Most people see you so favorably that they will help advance your career with glowing recommendations, introductions and connections. They speak of you well even when you are not there. Companies that achieve this score get new customers simply through word-of-mouth buzz. You will similarly get job offers, partnership requests or other new opportunities from your network from time to time. Keep doing what you are doing – your work network loves you and values you highly!

Who uses it?

NPS is used by thousands of companies including Apple, GE, Intuit, Charles Schwab and American Express. Companies use it to gauge customer satisfaction, as well as for employee feedback.


Net Promoter Score is one of the tools used in this report and contains a significant degree of error based on how many people have responded to your survey, as well as your profession. Some roles and professions are easier to rate than others. (eg. Sales exec vs. Fine Art). Take your NPS score in relation to all the other metrics on this report. NPS is also no more statistically significant or predictive than similar “How likely are you to…” questions, but is preferred due to its simplicity and widespread use.


Your Most Well-Known Traits

What is this?

These are your most-noticed characteristics by your professional network. These show your strengths. For career advancement and specialization, it is generally a good idea to take up roles and projects that play to your key strengths, also known as “swimming upstream”. This can also give you a more objective assessment of what you’re good at, since self-evaluations are usually highly biased.


Respondents can pick from a large selection of traits, and can pick more than one. Traits that are reflective of your professional profile will get shown here.


How your network feels about your company’s prospects

What is this?

This is a measure of how your network sees your company’s growth and financial prospects in the next 12 months. It is an outsider’s opinion of how your company is doing. This is how people in the industry and your network see the place you work at.


1=lowest 10=highest

Red (1 to 5): Bad. Expect the company to shrink or suffer significantly. Commercial losses. Layoffs. Re- structuring. Expect products to lose market share or fail. Possible bankruptcy, re-financing or shutdown down the road unless things change. The company requires significant outside help to improve or continue functioning. Might be time to start looking for another job.

Yellow (5.1 to 8): OK. Expect the company to grow modestly with limited successes. 70% of companies are in this zone. Company will continue to do well and win in some areas. Compares mostly favorably with competition. Modest hiring and expansion. Stable outlook. You can stay with this company for several years if you’d like.

Green (8.1 to 10): Great! Expect the company to grow fast, gain market share from competitors very quickly. Products are already doing superbly well. Winning key accounts. Great PR or well-recognized brand. Will out- perform the industry or market it is in. Your career will get a huge boost just by being at this company.


How your Network feels about Your Career prospects

What is this?

This is a measure of how your network sees your personal career prospects in the next 12 months. It is an outsider’s opinion of how skilled, valuable and useful you are compared to others in your role or profession. This rating may be influenced somewhat by prospects for your company or industry at large.


1=lowest 10=highest

Red (1 to 5): Bad. Your skills, usefulness and value are less than similar professionals in your field. Your network thinks that you are lagging behind others, and over time, these differences will grow larger and you will fall behind. Focus on the basics and try to figure out where you are lagging and why. It’s never too late to start improving.

Yellow (5.1 to 8): OK. You are average or a little above-average compared to similar professionals in your field. Your network thinks you compare favorably to others and will enjoy modest successes in the next 12 months. Stable career advancement prospects. You are respected by your colleagues and valued for your contributions. Focus on your key strengths to continue improving.

Green (8.1 to 10): Great! You are well above-average compared to similar professionals in your field. Your colleagues think you will hit it out of the park and are a rockstar at what you do. You are very well-respected in your industry or profession, perhaps even holding celebrity-like status. Getting to the top is easier than staying at the top however, and you will need to keep working hard to stay where you are.


What can you most improve upon?

What is this?

Nobody is perfect, not even Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. These are areas where your colleagues feel you can improve. By focusing on some of these areas, you can significantly improve your life at work and your relationships with your colleagues. This will help you become more well-rounded and balanced, and address any “rough edges” that hamper your ability to work with others.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution By license.

A little change in my look

Halloween is closer and I’m starting to prepare the correct look: what do you think of my fake hair? my neiborhoods friends found it hilarious

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution By license.
  • Diary of a “biker”? (
  • Clusit Security Report 2012-English Version (

Diary of a "biker"?

The question is easy, what the hell I was thinking when i bought a bike?

After only 47 years i decided to fulfill, thanks also to my wife support, one of my wildest desire, buy a motorbike.

I’m the proud owner of a Kavasaki VN900, it’s a wonderful bike.

The only problem is that I never rided a motorbike, and i started to ride a bike just after i heve married Rika.

I konw it sound Nerd (well I am, indeed) but i have never had a bicicle or a scooter before. So I am a complete beginner.

That means I am not able to do a decent job with this wonderful toy, but I’m trying to learn.

Alas as every beginner that is over 45 I have some problems to show to the world my dumbness and so I’m trying to learn it when nobody watch me (you do not have the slightest idea how many people watch you when you do not want it). I admit it is a very hard job, my very first try was terrible, and with terrible I mean I was not able to move, then I’ve tried again a few (the “no people around” condition shorten the timeslots) but slowly I’m figuring out what I have to do.

And since I like to do things easy I choosed a 300kg big custom  bike

Some stuffs are really unknown to me, for example: gear what the hell is this (ok ok there is something like that also on my car, but I do not need to use a foot to change speed), but I’m positivew at the end I will be able to ride it.

I will post my progress, and hope soon some trip








This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution By license.
  • Diary of a “biker”? (

Richiesta di aiuto :)

Come molti di voi gia sapranno (altrimenti possono fare riferimento ad un mio post su The Puchi Herald: A.I. tech upodate) Clusit ha rilasciato la versione inglese del security report 2012 a cui ho collaborato per la sezione sulla mobile security.
Anche per il 2003 Clusit tra le sue attività ha in programma di pubblicare un nuovo Security Report, in quest’ottica mi dovrei occupare ancora della sezione sulla mobile security.
Al fine di rendere la sezione più aderente ai nostri interessi e rinforzare uno spirito di community vi pregherei di farmi avere idee consigli, riferimenti, materiale, statistiche che ritenete importanti ed attinenti al una pubblicazione del genere, su cui io possa lavorare. ovviamente riporterò tutti i riferimenti in calce alla sezione
grazie per l’aiuto.

Related articles
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution By license.

martedì 25 settembre 2012

Windows 8 product Key

Image via CrunchBase

Ok guys I0’m back on track and start writeing again.


I just started to play with windows 8 and i have some impressions, but first of all i wanna give you a simple advise: write your product key somewhere before installing it, because changing product key on windows 8 can be frustrating.

We do not have a direct link to a change Key tool, not help would be of some use, since the instructions does not lead you anywhere.


The best thing to do is quick search internet, but again there are more articles than solutions. Well the good news is that it can be solved Sorriso


so what do you have to do?

Open the command prompt with administrative privileges

write this simle command (a vbs script)


Microsoft Windows [Versione 6.2.9200] (c) 2012 Microsoft Corporation. Tutti i diritti riservati.

C:Windowssystem32>slmgr.vbs /ipk XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX C:Windowssystem32>

there are some similar indications on the web but I found most do not remind you to use administrative provoleges

Rremember even if you are your pc admin on windows 8 you do not run application with administrative provileges by default so you have to explicitally declare it

And some does not indicate the /ipk parameter, well it is not a problem the help comes out to support you