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mercoledì 30 settembre 2009

I’ll held an Online event on IronPort technologies October 21

  People that followed the TechWise TV episode on DLP probably are already aware of this, but for the rest of you: I’ll present an one hour online event on TechWise TV the October 21 on IronPort Technologies.

During the episode I’ll talk mainly about ESA and WSA.

I hope you all to attend, at least to see me in action 🙂

The Agenda will be, more or less:

Title:     Web and Email security: Securing the Communication Channels


  • Date and Time:  Oct 21 – 11:00 am Italy time
  • One hour duration
  • Presenter: Antonio Ierano


In this interactive workshop, you will learn to:

  • · Securing  web browsing and E-mail assets that need protection
  • · Protect a communication channel: process, technologies and interactions
  • · Implement E-mail and Web  security: WSA, ESA and good tips

Cisco-Ironport solutions help you to protect two of  your fundamental assets:

  1. · The channel you need to retrieve information, the web
  2. · The channel you use to exchange info and store your intellectual properties, the mail

Exchanging information is a fundamental need for any organization, but the channels you use to exchange data are seldom safe. Nowadays the two mainstream channels for communication, the web browsing and the email, need to be protected from a various set of threats. Beyond “Spam” and “Virus” we have to face today, there are malware attacks, data loss and blended attacks that mix the two channels into a unique insecurity black hole.

This workshop will give you the information you need to implement solutions that provide a comprehensive set of technologies and a solid layer of integration with your infrastructure, to protect your communication assets from the various risks facing you today. Experts will be available throughout the workshop for Live Q&A.


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