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Visualizzazione post con etichetta visa. Mostra tutti i post

lunedì 5 ottobre 2015

The Visa for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is driving me crazy

Map of the territory and area covered by prese...
Map of the territory and area covered by present-day Saudi Arabia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

We live in an open interconnected world, travelling haven’t been easier than ever but if you travel a lot for job, as I have to do, well you find out that there is something that can really drive you crazy: the VISA on your passport.

The visa, is everything but the sign for an open world. It is a way to put barrier at our borders and controls who can get in and out, but sometimes it is interesting to find how VISA can be difficult to be managed… language barrier, cultural barrier and sometimes organizational issues can make your experience quite painful, even in country that we usually consider friendly.

I am now fighting with the visa for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia should be in Riyadh to deliver some training after being in USA for the annual ISF meeting (where I have a speech)  of course business time constrain are not aligned with the VISA timing and therefore a business roundtrip can become a painful headache, mostly if, as for my case, you have to deal with some issues by yourself. Well the result is that while I am still trying to find out what I have to do and collect all the documentation my flight plan have to be changed dramatically and so, and this is not making me very happy indeed.

Now I understand why we need specialized structure dealing with visa :).

well I am not sure if I will be able to do all the required trip this time, but worth as a lesson for the future, if you need a visa plan it 3 month in advance because you never know…..



mercoledì 4 marzo 2015

Pavia Shenzhen step 3

OK I am pissed off. Sometimes apparently the easiest things are the hardest to solve.
I am trying to get my second visa to China and I were hoping this time things would have goon smoothly.

Yesterday I took my train, went to Milan and, happy-go-lucky the whole computer systems was down, spent there just a 5 hours waiting for the system turning back, no luck…


So I took my train today, hoping for a better result…


Guess what… Murphy’s laws …. The invitation letter was wrong (same old story), states 30 day stay not 60 as needed, and could not be nor annual nor multi entry because a company is not entitled to make those requests. …

So at the end….
I will not have the annual  multientry Visa but just a 6 months 2 entry. And only 30 days stay so I will be forced to go to Hong Kong and get back to shenzhen just to be able to stay the 6 weeks requested, cheaper than change flights already purchased anyway…

Then for the next trip, other visa other money other go back and forth from the consulate.. just Hoping I got the visa on Friday

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